Become an Australian Labradoodle Guardian Family
Becoming a guardian home for one of our breeding dogs is an excellent way to have the highest quality Australian Labradoodle as your family pet. Here at Davis Doodles Labradoodles, we do not believe in the long term kenneling of our dogs (or any dog for that matter). Dogs raised and kept in kennels do not get the proper socialization and stimulation that is needed for them to become well-balanced, happy animals. Therefore, we place our upcoming breeding Australian Labradoodles with their forever families while we retain breeding rights of that dog for a specified period of time.
Being a Guardian for one of our breeding dogs means that the dog lives fulltime at the Guardian home and returns to Davis Doodles Labradoodles as needed for breeding-related activities. The Guardian family is responsible for regular health maintenance (heartworm preventative, annual exams, shots), and food, grooming and other expenses. Davis Doodles Labradoodles pays for all health testing required of our breeding ALDs, in addition to all breeding-related expenses. Health testing includes hip and elbow films that are read by a radiologist, DNA testing, CAER eye exams, and cardiac screenings at a minimum. Breeding-related testing may include Brucellosis screening, progesterone levels, semen analysis, etc. Once the potential Guardian dog passes the initial health testing (usually between 18-24 months of age), he or she officially joins the Davis Doodles Labradoodles breeding program and will start to produce puppies. Males are retained as sires for longer than breeding females, but they are gone for shorter periods of time for breedings. Female Australian Labradoodles may have up to three (occasionally four) litters so their breeding career is shorter than that of males, but they are gone for longer periods of time to whelp (deliver) and nurse puppies. After the Guardian dog’s breeding career is over, he or she is spayed or neutered and lives out retirement enjoying the wonderful life the Guardian family has provided since puppyhood.
Happy, future breeder - Suwanee, GA
Tuly, the Pratte Family - Baltimore, MD
There are many things that Guardian families need to consider besides occasional separation from their pet. Guardians of female Australian Labradoodles need to familiarize themselves with the signs of the beginning of a heat cycle, and then communicate, cooperate, and coordinate with Davis Doodles Labradoodles to ensure a successful breeding. Guardians of girls also need to be comfortable dealing with heat cycles and keep their girl in a fenced yard and protected from well-meaning gentlemen callers during seasons when she is not being bred for puppies. Guardians of males also need to be protective of their intact (unneutered) boys. There are doggie venereal diseases and other infections that can be passed from close contact with other dogs that may damage future reproductive health, so boys may only be bred to approved female Australian Labradoodles chosen by Davis Doodles Labradoodles.
The price of a Davis Doodles Labradoodles pet quality puppy is $3500, but our Guardian program allows families to purchase an Australian Labradoodle for a reduced price. Many things determine whether Davis Doodles Labradoodles will ever use a particular Guardian dog for breeding purposes. If the Guardian puppy does not meet the high testing and temperament standards we have for our breeders, then the Guardian contract reverts to a Pet contract at the discretion of Davis Doodles Labradoodles. In that case, the ALD would be neutered or spayed and ownership transferred to the Guardian under a pet contract. Our health warranty is the same for any Australian Labradoodle raised here at Davis Doodles Labradoodles whether it is in a Guardian home or a pet home.
Davis Doodles guardian program provides benefits for the Guardian family:
Guardian families have a “pick of the litter” Australian Labradoodle puppy chosen by the breeder
Guardian families receive “thank you bonuses” when the dog has puppies
Guardian families receive priority for grooming or boarding appointments (boarding/grooming fees apply)
Guardian families have additional information as to the overall health of their Australian Labradoodle
Guardian families receive ongoing support and training directly from the breeder regarding the Australian Labradoodle
Guardian families may schedule trips during breedings/whelpings without worry or cost of care for their pets
Davis Doodles guardian program provides benefits for the dog:
The dog has at least two familiar, stable home environments with lots of love and affection both places
The dog is extremely well-socialized and flexible
The dog is not boarded at a kennel when the family is traveling
The dog is well-trained to a high level of expectation paving the way for easy transitioning to a therapy dog down the road
The dog is not “rehomed” as an adult after retiring as they stay with their people for their lifetime
Davis Doodles expectations & requirements of our Guardian families (some flexibility MAY apply):
Guardians must work with a Certified Professional Trainer to assist them in training the Australian Labradoodle, and receive “Canine Good Citizen” (or equivalent) accreditation prior to 18 mos of age from breeder’s preferred trainers
Guardians must communicate, cooperate, and coordinate with the breeder regarding health testing, breedings, whelpings, and other breeding-related activities
Guardians must be willing to use the breeder’s preferred veterinarian for annual visits, follow a vaccine protocol outlined by the breeder, and allow breeder access to all vet records where the Australian Labradoodle is seen
Guardians of females must notify breeder immediately when a female begins her heat cycle and not allow her to around intact males during a cycle
Guardians of males must not allow him to breed ANY females other than those chosen by the breeder at a time determined by the breeder
Guardians should have some previous dog experience (some exceptions apply)
Guardians must refrain from using a pinch, prong or shock collar for behavior modification or boundary control
Guardians must live in a space with a fully fenced yard (some exceptions apply) and use a leash when outside of a fenced area
Guardians must ensure the Australian Labradoodle puppy is well-socialized to adults, children, and other dogs (of all ages)
Guardians must feed the dog a diet approved by the breeder and use supplements as instructed by the breeder
Guardians must not allow the Australian Labradoodle to participate in extended strenuous running on concrete or other hard surface before hip and elbow evaluations around 2 years of age
Guardians and all others that live within the home must be willing to be interviewed by the breeder and allow home visits at the discretion of the breeder
Guardians must NEVER strike the dog with an object or their hand as a form of discipline
Guardians must avoid dog parks for the entire contractual period
Guardians must maintain a Trupanion health insurance policy on the Australian Labradoodle during the contractual period
Guardians must live within reasonable driving distance from the metro Atlanta, Georgia location of Davis Doodles Labradoodles
Guardians must communicate openly and honestly with the breeder about anything regarding the Australian Labradoodle
We are continuously seeking fabulous Guardian families to partner with us in our mission of creating extraordinary Australian Labradoodle puppies for our many extraordinary families. We utilize Guardian homes to help us maintain genetic diversity in our breeding program without the long-term kenneling of any of our dogs. Our Australian Labradoodle breeding dogs are treated like family members whether they are at their loving Guardian homes or with us for short periods of time. All dogs deserve to live life as a beloved companion by everyone who cares for them… and that is our main goal in choosing our Guardian families. Our expectation is that our Guardians not only believe in what we are doing, but also embrace being part of our breeding program so that other families can have a happy, healthy, temperamentally sound, well-adjusted and socialized Australian Labradoodle as a treasured pet.
Complete the Guardian Application to find out more about adopting one of our ALD Guardian puppies.
Hazel, future breeder - Suwanee, GA