Primary Applicant Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Applicant Occupation
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Applicant Email
Applicant Mobile Phone
Co-Applicant Full Name
Co-Applicant Occupation
Co-Applicant Email
Co-Applicant Mobile Phone
How did you hear about Davis Doodles Labradoodles?
If you found us by "referral", please specify the relevant family
If you heard about us by searching on the Internet/Google, what search term were you using?
For instance, what did you type into Google search that led to our website? This helps us with our future marketing.
Why are you interested in an Australian Labradoodle?
What size Australian Labradoodle are you looking for?
Check all that apply. We cannot guarantee the mature size of the dog since there are several ancestral factors in Australian Labradoodles that influence adult size.
Miniature - approximately 15-30 lbs. (14" to 16")
Medium - approximately 30-45 lbs. (17" to 20")
Standard - approximately 45-60 lbs. (21" to 24")
Do you prefer a male or female? Why?
Do you have a color preference? Why?
Are you willing to be flexible on any of these categories for the right puppy?
Which ones?
I am not flexible on any of these
How many people are in the family home where your dog will live?
Does anyone in the home have allergies or asthma?
How severe? Are they dog-related?
What are the ages and genders of any children living in the home with you?
Are there any other pets in the home? What kind?
If there is another dog, please list the breed, age, and gender.
What is the ideal timeframe you are hoping to add a puppy to your family (months/year)?
Between X and Y of 20XX or As soon as possible, etc.
Is this timeframe flexible?
Is there anything else you would like to share to help us find the right puppy for your unique situation?
Do you agree to crate-train your dog for ease in potty-training and to protect your puppy during the chewing stage?
Do you agree to refrain from using a prong, pinch, shock, or e-collar for behavior modification or boundary control?
Do you agree to spay/neuter your dog by 12 months of age and to provide proof of the procedure to Davis Doodles Labradoodles?
Do you agree to share medical or health issues and/or temperament concerns with Davis Doodles Labradoodles to facilitate appropriate breeding choices in the future?
Are you aware of the cost of caring for this puppy including puppy vaccinations, spaying/neutering, heartworm prevention medication, professional grooming, high end food, crate, toys, and other supplies?
Are you aware of the amount of time, effort, energy, and expense required to raise a puppy into a healthy, well-adjusted, well-behaved family companion?
Is everyone in the household on board with adding a puppy/dog to your family?