Daisy & Sammie
Australian Labradoodle Puppies 2022

Daisy’s beautiful litter of ten was born on July 21, 2022. Second time mom Daisy is our gorgeous golden-colored caramel small standard girl, and first time dad Sammie is our own stunning medium-sized chocolate Australian Labradoodle stud. They had a lovely balanced litter of 5 boys and 5 girls, 6 chocolates and 4 caramels that will end up in the 35-45 pound range.

Meet the ‘Rents

Davis Doodles “Daisy”

Sammie, a medium Australian Labradoodle

Davis Doodles Samuel’s Sensation “Sammie”


Going Home NOW

Born: July 21
Going Home: NOW
Generation: Multigen Australian Labradoodles
Size: Medium to Small Standard
Colors: Caramel and Chocolate
Coat types: Allergy-friendly wavy to curly fleece
Waiting List: 3 puppies available

15 Weeks

11 Weeks

8 Weeks

6 Weeks

4 Weeks

5 Days
